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“For anyone wanting insanely fast internet...I’m currently running speeds of 941 Mbps..."

Grayshott Gigabit Team

At the end of 2021, we were delighted to connect our first customers in Hindhead to our full fibre broadband network. The customers we have connected are able to enjoy the fastest Gigabit Speeds in the GU26 area, as they are getting 1Gbps symmetric speeds, both upload & download. This is faster than the top speed that BT can offer on their residential fibre products, and faster than many of the larger companies across the UK. Not only that, but customers are getting to experience our peace of mind managed Wi-Fi service when our engineer installs the pod directly to your Gigabit fibre broadband, and allows users to really have a great whole home Wi-Fi experience with gigabit speeds over Wi-Fi.

There are many reasons why you may want to upgrade to full fibre broadband including remote working patterns, home schooling, sheer volume of devices utilising the bandwidth and distance from the cabinet but for those who are gamers, it’s also about the speed of downloading the games and the quality of the gaming experience.

This week, one of our staff members ordered the new Sky Glass TV service, and were told that for 4K TV, Sky recommends 35Mbps per TV for the bandwidth of their new streaming content. On the maximum Superfast speeds of 70Mbps, it means households with two TV’s have no bandwidth for any other device using the internet, as all the bandwidth will be used by Sky Glass TV’s.

Several of our customers have been using our Gigabit connections for their in-home online gaming. One of our customers, Ben from Hindhead quotes; “For anyone wanting insanely fast internet, I’d highly recommend this, I’m currently running speeds of 941 Mbps…..It’s especially good for uploads/downloads, I downloaded a 50 GB PS5 game in minutes”

This Christmas, there was a peak broadband usage globally as new gaming consoles and new games were brought. Most people will testify that buying the latest console only is half the issue. Moreso, the games on these consoles are purchased digitally, and downloaded like a software application. With Superfast broadband, it would normally take 12 hours to download a 50Gb game, which is really a poor experience if you just received this as a Christmas gift, and you could not use straight away. With our Gigabit broadband, it can take as little as 8 minutes if you have the PS5 connected directly to our device.

And then comes the latency, the faster the bandwidth the better the online experience. No one wants to play Call of Duty and have a slow internet connection, you will lose each time, as you’ll be in danger in game player mode with your opponents with much faster broadband speeds, as their latency is much lower.

With Gaming being such a popular pastime, you can see from the figures above that both Gaming and Streaming 4K video/Netflix are 2 of the highest users of bandwidth, you can see how easy it would be for the average family to use their capacity with just one person gaming, whilst a Sky Glass 4K or Netflix video is streaming.

Moving forward we are actively deploying the fibre throughout the GU26 area and hope to connect as many of you as we can over the coming weeks and months. To find out more, please pre-register for service and/or information on

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