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"Connect" Social Broadband Tariff to help you

Worried about Rising Costs... Gigabit IQ are here to help

Grayshott Gigabit are making it easier for struggling individuals and families to access Gigabit full fibre broadband by launching a social tariff package ‘Connect’.


With the cost of living having increased and budgets being further stretched, Grayshott Gigabit have made ‘Connect’ available to any customer who is on Universal Credit (with zero earnings), Pension Credit or Income support*.


‘Connect’ is a broadband-only package with unlimited data and UltraFAST speeds of 100Mbps that costs £19.99 per month.


This price will remain the same for as long as the customer is in receipt of financial support (see eligibility criteria below*).


‘Connect’ runs on a 24 month minimum term with a flexible 30 day rolling contract thereafter, so customers on low incomes have the freedom to upgrade to other Grayshott Gigabit packages or cancel.


In addition, there is a £29 activation fee, and we are committed to providing no mid-contract price rises for any "Connect" service agreements.


Let's get the community connected with ‘Connect’ from Grayshott Gigabit.

For further information, please contact on 0800 088 6784 or email;


*Package Information and eligibility criteria

Our ‘Connect’ package is only available to customers who meet the following criteria:

  • Income Support

  • Pension Credit

  • Universal Credit with zero earnings

  • Personal Independence Payment

  • Attendance Allowance

  • Job Seekers Allowance

  • Care Home residents and Lifeline customers who are referred to us via Social Services

  • Care Leavers

  • Employment and Support Allowance (EAS) (Income Related)


Anyone applying must provide us with proof of eligibility with their application. The person eligible (as above) must also be the person whose name is on the bill.


Who can’t have it?

We can’t provide you with our social tariff package ‘Connect’ if:

· You can’t provide evidence of the above or are not the person named on the bill

· You have more than one broadband connection at the same or different premises

· You have ceased and had service re-provided in the last 3 months

· Your service has been restricted because you owe us money




For further information, please contact on 0800 0886784 or email;


This tariff is subject to terms & conditions, and not applicable for any other offers or promotional fares.

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